Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Oct 19, 2020
How to Stop Thumb Sucking & Finger Sucking; A Pediatric Dentist Reviews Best Options
How to get your child to stop thumb sucking & finger sucking; Dr. Peter reviews what's normal and what isn't!

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Oct 6, 2020
How to Become a Pediatric Dentist
Dr. Peter discusses the long journey and the school required to become a pediatric dentist!

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Oct 6, 2020
Surgical Mask vs FFP3 vs N95 vs Respirator - A Medical Professional Weighs In
Dr. Peter discusses face masks and the different levels of protection each provide.

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Sep 28, 2020
Best Kids Books For a Dentist Visit – First Dental Visit & More
One of our favorite ways to prepare your loved little ones for their first visit to a dentist is to have story time and read books together!

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Sep 16, 2020
The Best Baby Toothpaste
When should a child start using toothpaste? When can they use adult toothpaste? What is your favorite brand? Lets dive in.

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Aug 23, 2020
Back to School Dental Check Up - 6 Secrets for Success
Although COVID-19 has made all of our lives very different, Dr. Peter gives some back to school tips for your child's dental visit.

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Jul 16, 2020
When Should I First Visit A Pediatric Dentist?
There are many reasons to establish a home early. In the same way a pediatrician (or kids physician) is very important for your child's

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Jun 17, 2020
Pacifiers for Kids - A Pediatric Dentist's Thoughts
A quick google search has quite a bit of conflicting information on pacifier use in children. Here are the facts!

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Mar 6, 2020
A Pediatric Dentist's Best Friend
Dr. Peter discusses why pediatric dental assistants are a very important part of your dental visit at VK Pediatric Dentistry.

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Jan 28, 2020
The Best Dental Apps for Kids; Embrace the Tech!
Dr. Peter picks his favorite apps for helping kids brush their teeth! Embracing technology can help turn a chore into a fun activity!

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Jan 16, 2020
A Painless Injection Technique, Does it Exist?
Dr. Peter Markov weighs in on his technique for a painless injection for kids during dental treatment. Kids fear shots, they don't need to!

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Jan 14, 2020
Sensory Play - Important for Child Development
Sensory stimulation is a very important part of a child's development. Learn how VK Pediatric Dentistry is the best dentist for your kids!