Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Sep 16, 2020
The Best Baby Toothpaste
When should a child start using toothpaste? When can they use adult toothpaste? What is your favorite brand? Lets dive in.

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Aug 23, 2020
Back to School Dental Check Up - 6 Secrets for Success
Although COVID-19 has made all of our lives very different, Dr. Peter gives some back to school tips for your child's dental visit.

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Jan 22, 2020
Caring For Your Child's Teeth - A Timeline from Infancy to Adulthood
VK Pediatric Dentistry gives advice on caring for your child's teeth from infancy to adulthood.

Dr. Peter - Pediatric Dentist in Arlington, Virginia
Jan 22, 2020
Four Tips to Encourage Your Kids To Brush Their Teeth!
Four Tips from VK Pediatric Dentistry to encourage your kids to brush their teeth!